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WTO. 中国台湾等通报 G/TBT/N/TPKM/398

来源:CCCME 时间:2020-02-14 00:00:00

 WTO. 中国台湾、澎湖、金门及马祖个别关税领域通报关于修改热阴极荧光灯的检验标准

标准、计量和检验局建议采用最新版本的标准CNS 691"荧光灯(用于一般照明服务)",作为热阴极荧光灯的检验标准。为了根据《水俣公约》的目标逐步淘汰添加汞的产品,本修订本要求汞含量不超过4毫克。限制有害物质的要求和适用的合格评定程序保持不变。
涵盖的产品:热阴极荧光灯;荧光、热阴极(HS 853931)
The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection is proposing to adopt the most recent version of standard, CNS 691 "Fluorescent lamps (for general lighting service)," published on 15 August 2019, as the inspection standard for hot cathode fluorescent lamps. To phase out mercury-added products in line with the goal of Minamata Convention on Mercury, this revised version requires the content of mercury at not more than 4mg. The requirements for restriction of hazardous substances and the applicable conformity assessment procedures remain unchanged.
Products covered: Hot cathode fluorescent lamps; -- Fluorescent, hot cathode (HS 853931)(技术服务中心)

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