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WTO.中国台湾等通报 G/TBT/N/TPKM/401

来源:CCCME 时间:2020-02-24 00:00:00

 WTO. 中国台湾、澎湖、金门及马祖个别关税领域通报电动摩托车充电系统设备和电池交换系统设备法律检查要求建议
此外,根据限制使用有害物质以保护环境的政策,产品还必须遵守 CNS 15663 第 5 节,以标记存在 6 种有害物质。合格评定程序将是产品认证注册(模块 II 类型测试 + 模块 VII 工厂检验)。
涵盖的产品:电动摩托车充电系统设备和电池交换系统设备;静态转换器(HS 850440)
In view of the incidents of explosion or fire caused by malfunction in the battery swap station, the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) proposes to regulate the safety of electric motorcycle charging system equipment and electric motorcycle battery swap system equipment.
In addition, in line with the policy of restriction in the use of hazardous substances to protect the environment, the products are also required to comply with Section
5 of CNS 15663 for marking of presence of 6 hazardous substances. The conformity assessment procedure will be Registration of Product Certification (Module II Type Test + Module VII factory inspection).
Products covered: Electric motorcycle charging system equipment and battery swap system equipment; Static converters (HS 850440)(技术服务中心)

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