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WTO.以色列通报 G/TBT/N/ISR/1128

来源:CCCME 时间:2020-04-29 00:00:00

WTO.以色列通报SI 4210第1部分-自行车:自行车安全要求-术语和定义;SI 4210第2部分-自行车:自行车安全要求-城市和徒步旅行、年轻人、山地和赛车的要求;SI 4210第3部分-自行车安全要求-通用试验方法;SI 4210第4部分-自行车安全要求-制动试验方法;SI 4210第5部分-自行车安全要求-转向试验方法;SI 4210第6部分-自行车安全要求-车架和前叉试验方法;SI 4210第7部分-自行车安全要求-车轮和轮辋试验方法;SI 4210第8部分:自行车的安全要求.踏板和驱动系统试验方法;SI 4210第9部分:自行车的安全要求.鞍座和座柱试验方法
现有部分强制性标准(SI 4210第1部分至第9部分)中有关自行车的要求,也应被宣布为与山地自行车有关的强制性要求。本声明符合保护人类安全的强制性标准化目标。
强制性标准,即SI 4210第1部分至第9部分,分别采用国际标准ISO 4210第1-9部分-第一版:2014-07-01,每个标准的希伯来语部分都有一些变化和调整。
The requirements of the existing partially Mandatory Standards, SI 4210 parts 1 through 9, dealing with bicycles, shall be declared mandatory also relating to mountain bicycles. This declaration is in-line with the mandatory standardization objective to protect human safety.
Till now, the mandatory requirements applied only to city and trekking bicycles, and to bicycles designed for young adults. In this declaration, the Commissioner of Standardization recommends declaring that also the requirements for mountain bicycles shall be compulsory.
After the entry into force of this declaration, all types of bicycles covered by the mandatory requirements of these standards shall be classified under Israel's Import Group no. 3, i.e., these types of bicycles will be considered as a commodity with a low level of danger. Therefore, only a Supplier's Declaration of Conformity (SDoC) is required for releasing these goods from customs.
The Mandatory Standards, SI 4210 parts 1 through 9 adopt respectively the International Standards ISO 4210 parts 1-9 - First edition: 2014-07-01 with a few changes and national deviations that appear in each standard's Hebrew section.(技术服务中心)

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