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WTO.通报SI 1220 G/TBT/N/ISR/1164/Corr.1

来源:CCCME 时间:2020-10-15 00:00:00

 WTO.通报SI 1220第6部分-火灾探测器系统:手动信号箱
有效标准(SI 1220第6部分,2009年12月)的所有章节和通知的修订草案在本修正案生效后将是强制性的,除了第33节关于标记的第33.1小节中“字母高度应至少为3mm”的要求除外。

SI 1220 part 6 - Fire detector systems: Manual signaling boxes
This corrigendum adds to item 6 (Description of content) the following:
All Sections of the standard in effect (SI 1220 part 6, December 2009) and the notified draft amendment will be mandatory after the entry into force of this amendment, except the requirement that "the letters' height shall be at least 3mm" appearing in sub-section 33.1, under section 33 dealing with marking.


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