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WTO 美国通报 G/TBT/N/USA/1702

来源:世界贸易组织 时间:2021-03-03 00:00:00

拟议规则-在本文件中,委员会就使用诸如Longley-Rice这样的基于地形的传播模型来确定留空信道可用性征求意见,并寻求就是否实施这种模型制定记录。特别委员会寻求评论的影响使用这样的模型会对可用性的渠道白色空间设备,如何实现如Longley-Rice terrain-based模型在当前白色空间设备框架,使用这种模型所需的技术参数确定可用频谱,同时保护现有的有害干扰,和各种数据库和设备实现问题。

Proposed rule - In this document, the Commission seeks comment on the use of a terrain-based propagation model such as Longley-Rice for determining white space channel availability and seeks to develop a record on whether or not to implement such a model. In particular, the Commission seeks comment on the effect use of such a model would have on availability of channels for white space devices, how a terrain-based model such as Longley-Rice could be implemented within the current white space device framework, the technical parameters necessary to use such a model for identifying available spectrum while protecting incumbents from harmful interference, and various database and device implementation issues.


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