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来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2022-02-24 00:00:00











涵盖的产品:HS 842810


The notified Ecuadorian Technical Regulation establishes the requirements to be met by lifts, escalators and moving walkways, prior to the marketing of domestic and imported products, with the aim of protecting human safety and preventing deceptive practices.

It applies to the following products:
• Permanently installed electric lifts of the traction and winding-drum type, equipped with a cabin/cage intended for the transport of persons or persons and goods, suspended by cables, belts or chains, and travelling along guide rails at an angle of inclination not exceeding 15 degrees from the vertical;

• Permanently installed hydraulic lifts, equipped with a cabin/cage intended for the transport of persons or persons and goods, suspended by hydraulic cylinders, cables or chains, and travelling along guide rails at an angle of inclination not exceeding 15 degrees from the vertical;

• Escalators and moving walkways (pallet or belt type).

The Technical Regulation does not apply to:

• Residential lifts;

• Stair-lifts.

Products covered:Lifts and skip hoists (HS 842810)


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