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来源:TBT信息通报 时间:2022-04-21 00:00:00








National Institute of Metrology, Quality and Technology - Inmetro, issued Ordinance No. 129, 23 March 2022 that consolidates the regulation for circuit breakers, established as technical quality regulations and conformity assessment requirements and specifications for the conformity identification seal, set out, respectively, in Annexes I, II, III, IV and V of this Ordinance.

The aim of the consolidation of the regulation is to attend decree No. 10.139 of 28 November 2020.
Inmetro Ordinance No. 129/2022 revokes the following act on the effective date of adoption:

- Inmetro Ordinance No. 243, 6 October 2006, published in the Brazilian Official Gazette on 13 October 2006, section 1, page 101; and

- Inmetro Ordinance No. 348, 13 September 2007, published in the Brazilian Official Gazette on 17 September 2007, section 1, page 82


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